Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a prescription to take omega-3 fish oils?
You do not need a doctor’s prescription to use our product.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Taking Fish Oil Supplements?
It improves overall health by supporting heart health, the nervous system, brain, and other organs.
Why should I take Cardiclear Omega-3 fish oil supplement?
Cardiclear provides both EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are required by your body and work together to promote good health, and the least expensive way to get good quality EPA and DHA is from fish oil supplements.
Do I need a prescription to take omega-3 fish oils?
You do not need a doctor’s prescription to use our product.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Taking Fish Oil Supplements?
It improves overall health by supporting heart health, the nervous system, brain, and other organs.
Why should I take Cardiclear Omega-3 fish oil supplement?
Cardiclear provides both EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are required by your body and work together to promote good health, and the least expensive way to get good quality EPA and DHA is from fish oil supplements.

Will Cardiclear Omega-3 Fish Oil interfere with my medical condition or medications I am taking?
Generally, no, but we suggest that you consult with your doctor before taking fish oil if you are: using blood thinners, taking high doses of aspirin, or anticipating surgery.
Can Cardiclear be taken with other supplements?
Yes, it can be taken with a variety of supplements, they are extremely well tolerated, natural, health promoting and safe to use every day.